

it hurts me that we can raise 600k for alton sterling’s family and 170k for philando castile’s family but not 20k for essence bowman’s family.

I haven’t even heard of Essence Bowman until now. I went to look up who she was and the amount of articles on her are low. LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. pop up before a simple article on her.

I came across a GoFundMe page for her and she barely received $2k

This page on EBWiki was one of the few articles with any info on Essence Bowman.


I need help. My 10 year old dachshund, Duke, has (as was eventual) some really bad back problems. He needs to be treated gently, constantly watched, and he has a few prescriptions. I need to earn at least $50 for his medicine alone– we do not have health insurance for our dogs. Duke needs his steroids to keep him mobile; if he can’t walk, my folks will have him put down. Please consider donating, commissioning me, or buying a tarot reading. You can shoot me an ask or IM for more info. Please please please boost this post.

HELP: Disabled, single father, looking for work.



Hello friends! I’m in a bit of a jam an need some help.
Know anyone who needs writing/editing done?
Well I’m your guy! Especially now because as of yesterday, I am officially out of a job. No ones fault. The client could no longer financially afford the work. Hey, what can you do? It’s a bit of a blow for me, but these things happen. That does however leave me in a bit of a pinch. Recently, as some of you may know, I have become wheelchair bound and unable to work a conventional job.

(There are other reasons, besides my health, which I won’t go into here. Suffice it to say it’s not safe for me to work where I live and though I am loath to admit it, we havn’t had a vehicle in little over three years. I’m also trying to work on a disability claim, but we all know how that goes-)

Now, as you might not know- I also live with and help take care of my parents and aunt (all disabled) my best friend (who just recently lost her job due to health problems) and my daughter, who just turned six.

At this point, mom is the only one bringing in any financial support and her meager disability check is not enough to carry the family. We also receive donations from some of our lovely friends, and while we are forever grateful, we hanging on by the skin of our teeth. Sometimes we’re going without prescriptions and dr’s appointments, other times we might go without power and water. It’s not as bad as it has been, mind. We have a home now, and food. But no car, no other source of income and few resources, save friends. It is an uphill battle every month just to hang on.

So! That being said- I am freelancing again. I’ve worked as an editor and ghost-writer off an on for little over four years now. I can supply references and am more than willing to edit a sample chapter/blurb for you as a trial run, free of charge.

If you like what I do, we can hash out price from there. (Don’t worry, I’m cheap)

I am competent with any genera, willing to tackle everything from flash fiction to full sized novels, and I’m fast.

Now, I know you must be thinking “Is this guy serious? Like I’m really gonna hire an idiot on the internet with a sob story and nothing to show for it.”

And hey buddy, you might be right. I might just be some guy from the internet, but I’m also deadly serious about my craft. Writing isn’t just my dream. It’s my life.

Don’t believe me? Let me edit a sample chapter of your work. Let me show you just how serious I am-

Contact me at:

And- for those of you who aren’t writers or aren’t interested, sharing this post would mean the world to me. To us.

Thank you for your time.

Sharing again for the night crowd. Again, even if this doesn’t apply to you, sharing it would be so helpful for me. ❤

Click here to support James Needs Hearing Aids! by James Tetloff






Hey guys! I am still trying to raise money for my hearing aids. If you can donate that would be super rad, if you can’t I totally understand. Maybe reblog it and repost. Signal boosts. Whatever you can do helps. Thanks so much!

Hey guys. I could really use some help. My hearing has been getting really bad. I am really in need of these. I cant afford them on my own. So. Anything you can do could really help. Thank you so much. It really means the world to me.

Thank you so much guys. Anything helps.

Thanks for everything so far. I so appreciate it.

Guys I’m trying really hard to stay positive but I have so much going on right now with being sick and trying to fight this battle but I just keep getting beat down more. My body is weak and I am just. Doing my best here ya know. This would just make my entire life easier. To be able to hear better than I am able right now is my biggest wish. I’d do anything to help make this happen. Please. Do what you can. Thank you for the support.

Click here to support James Needs Hearing Aids! by James Tetloff


Ick.  My bills have put me in the negative in my bank account by ninety-four dollars.  So I can still feed myself and things before I next get money again, if some of you would like to help me out, my paypal email address is
