

um fyi leslie jones is getting relentlessly harassed by violent racists, neo-nazis, white supremacists, and misogynists on twitter right now and so far twitter support has done nothing about it …if u are able to please report the scum that are harassing her

there’s a hashtag to spread support and positivity for leslie to drown out the noise these repulsive antiblack racists are spewing so go tweet some uplifting, happy, and positive stuff in the #LoveforLeslieJ hashtag





This is Leshia Evans. She’s a 28-year-old nurse assistant and mother to a 5-year-old son. She was attending her first protest in Baton Rouge. She was arrested and held for 24 hours. 

so graceful

I saw these tweets earlier, some veteran turned activist tweeted “Baton Rouge cops look ridiculous, I never wore this much armor on the front lines”

And that struck me almost as hard as these photos, used to give the tweet context. What was she going to do to them? Start beating them with a sandal? Why do we, as white people, allow peaceful protesters to be treated as more threatening than armed fascists just for being black?

Tired of this shit man. White supremacy must die. I hope she’s doing well.

Look at them. Now look at her.

This is how scared white supremacy is of black people.

For no good fucking reason. All we want is Freedom.



it hurts me that we can raise 600k for alton sterling’s family and 170k for philando castile’s family but not 20k for essence bowman’s family.

I haven’t even heard of Essence Bowman until now. I went to look up who she was and the amount of articles on her are low. LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. pop up before a simple article on her.

I came across a GoFundMe page for her and she barely received $2k

This page on EBWiki was one of the few articles with any info on Essence Bowman.

Muslims Stung by Indifference to Their Losses in Terror Attacks


In recent days, jihadists killed 41 people at Istanbul’s bustling, shiny airport; 22 at a cafe in Bangladesh; and at least 250 celebrating the final days of Ramadan in Baghdad. Then the Islamic State attacked, again, with bombings in three cities in Saudi Arabia.

By Tuesday, Michel Kilo, a Syrian dissident, was leaning wearily over his coffee at a Left Bank cafe, wondering: Where was the global outrage? Where was the outpouring that came after the same terrorist groups unleashed horror in Brussels and here in Paris? In a supposedly globalized world, do nonwhites, non-Christians and non-Westerners count as fully human?

“All this crazy violence has a goal,” Mr. Kilo, who is Christian, said: to create a backlash against Muslims, divide societies and “make Sunnis feel that no matter what happens, they don’t have any other option.”

This is not the first time that the West seems to have shrugged off massacres in predominantly Muslim countries. But the relative indifference after so many deaths caused by the very groups that have plagued the West is more than a matter of hurt feelings.

One of the primary goals of the Islamic State and other radical Islamist groups is to drive a wedge between Sunni Muslims and the wider world, to fuel alienation as a recruiting tool. And when that world appears to show less empathy for the victims of attacks in Muslim nations, who have borne the brunt of the Islamic State’s massacres and predatory rule, it seems to prove their point.

“Why isn’t #PrayForIraq trending?” Razan Hasan of Baghdad posted on Twitter. “Oh yeah no one cares about us.”

Hira Saeed of Ottawa asked on Twitter why Facebook had not activated its Safety Check feature after recent attacks as it did for Brussels, Paris and Orlando, Fla., and why social media had not been similarly filled with the flags of Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq. “The hypocrisy is the western world is strong,” she wrote.

Continue Reading.

Muslims Stung by Indifference to Their Losses in Terror Attacks

Turkey uses tear gas to break up gay pride gathering


ISTANBUL – Police in Istanbul have used tear gas and have detained activists who gathered to mark gay pride week after authorities banned their rally in the city. At least 19 activists have been detained.

Police on Sunday rounded up several activists who assembled on a main pedestrian street to issue a statement in honour of gay rights and to denounce the ban. Police later fired tear gas and rubber pellets to disperse activists gathering in side streets. Two European Parliament legislators were also briefly detained.

Istanbul’s governor banned both last week’s Trans Pride March and Sunday’s broader LGBT pride parade, citing security concerns.

Last week, police also used tear gas and rubber bullets to break up demonstrators who gathered for the transgender parade in defiance of the ban.

More articles on what happened here and here.