

um fyi leslie jones is getting relentlessly harassed by violent racists, neo-nazis, white supremacists, and misogynists on twitter right now and so far twitter support has done nothing about it …if u are able to please report the scum that are harassing her

there’s a hashtag to spread support and positivity for leslie to drown out the noise these repulsive antiblack racists are spewing so go tweet some uplifting, happy, and positive stuff in the #LoveforLeslieJ hashtag


“It’s not so much about the Oscars; that’s aiming small. The biggest issue, the biggest obstacle in diversity in Hollywood are the movies that are being made and greenlit. It doesn’t matter if you have 3.000 Academy members who are people of color if there are no movies out there with people of color to vote on.
I’ve been out there for 30 years. I’ve gotten two Tony Awards. I’ve done Broadway, Off-Broadway. I’ve come out of Julliard. I’ve done television, film, all of it. But there is not the same opportunity for me. Even though I would say that, if given the chance, I could show people that I could do just as well as any one of my Caucasian counterparts. But there’s a glass ceiling for me. And so now I’m at the top of the food chain for an actress of color. I’m not at the top of the food chain for an actress.” – Viola Davis





This is Leshia Evans. She’s a 28-year-old nurse assistant and mother to a 5-year-old son. She was attending her first protest in Baton Rouge. She was arrested and held for 24 hours. 

so graceful

I saw these tweets earlier, some veteran turned activist tweeted “Baton Rouge cops look ridiculous, I never wore this much armor on the front lines”

And that struck me almost as hard as these photos, used to give the tweet context. What was she going to do to them? Start beating them with a sandal? Why do we, as white people, allow peaceful protesters to be treated as more threatening than armed fascists just for being black?

Tired of this shit man. White supremacy must die. I hope she’s doing well.

Look at them. Now look at her.

This is how scared white supremacy is of black people.

For no good fucking reason. All we want is Freedom.

Violence Against the Transgender Community in 2016


In the first six months of 2016, the murders of 14 transgender people have been reported. Almost all of the victims were people of color, and the vast majority of those were black transgender individuals.

Goddess Diamond, 20, of New Orleans, was found dead of blunt force trauma in a burned car on June 5. No suspects have been identified.

Amos Beede 38, a transgender man, succumbed to his injuries after he was attacked at a homeless encampment in Vermont. An investigation into the attack is ongoing.

Mercedes Successful, 32, a Black transgender woman from Haines City, Fla., was fatally shot May 15. Police have not identified a suspect.

Reecey Walker, 32, a Black transgender woman from Wichita, Kansas, was fatally stabbed May 1. A 16-year-old boy has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder.

Keyonna Blakeney, 22, a Black transgender woman from Montgomery County, Md., was killed April 16th. Police have not yet identified any suspects and have only said that she suffered “trauma to her upper body. 

Shante Thompson, 34, a Black transgender woman from Houston, Texas, was beaten and shot to death by a group of assailants on April 11. The group also killed a man walking with Thompson. Twenty-three-year-old Tariq Lackings has been arrested and charged with capital murder.

Quartney Davia Dawsonn-Yochum, 32, a transgender woman of color, was fatally shot March 23 outside her Los Angeles apartment complex in what appears to be a dispute with her former boyfriend.

Kendarie Johnson, 16, a Black gender fluid youth from Burlington, Iowa, was fatally shot on March 2. The killing is still under investigation and no suspects have been arrested.

Demarkis Stansberry, 30, a Black transgender man from Baton Rouge, La., was fatally shot on February 28. An acquaintance, Nicholas Mathews has confessed to shooting Stansberry, and has been arrested and charged with negligent homicide.

Maya Young, 25, a Black transgender woman from Frankford, Penn., was fatally stabbed on February 21. A female suspect has been arrested and more arrests are expected.

Veronica Banks Cano of San Antonio was found dead in a bathtub on February 19. 

Kayden Clarke, 24, a transgender man from Arizona, was shot and killed by police in his home, after they responded to a call that Kayden was threatening suicide and had a knife. 

Jasmine Sierra, a Latina transgender woman from Bakersfield, Calif., was found dead on January 22. Her body showed signs of trauma, but a cause of death has yet to be determined and no suspects have been identified.

Monica Loera, 43, a Latina transgender woman from North Austin, Texas, was fatally shot January 22, following an argument outside her home. A suspect, Jon Casey Rowell, has been arrested and charged with first degree murder.

it is clear that

fatal violence disproportionately affects transgender women of color, and that the intersections of racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia conspire to deprive them of employment, housing, healthcare and other necessities, barriers that make them vulnerable. 


If you feel the need to “keep race out of” the Orlando Pulse massacre and continue to whitewash LGBT identity, you not only lack empathy for people of color (which, surprise, is racism) but you’re also contributing to the very dehumanization & hatred of LGBT PoC that leads to massacres like these.

Yes, all members of the LGBT community can be targets and victims of homophobia but let’s stop pretending that those of us who live at the intersection of multiple identities aren’t more victimized and less mourned because society is more willing to excuse and ignore violence and hate crimes against, for example, Black trans women than cis white gay men.

The victims of this massacre were predominantly Black and Latinx. The murderer chose that location not only because he hated LGBT folks, women, and Black people, but also because he knew society views people with those identities, especially combined, as expendable and culpable for violence against them. That matters. It’s really transparent that y’all are pretending like race doesn’t factor in because y’all need to assume the victims were white so you can mourn and use this to forefront issues that primarily concern and benefit white LG people to the detriment of LGBT PoC. 

May 23 11:30 am


Quote from second article that sums up my initial reaction: ‘Police who carry lethal weapons & have practically unchecked power need more protection?’