Stolen from Tagged by @squidlydes, thanks!

Countries I Have Lived In: USA

Favourite Fandom: Mad Max (I contribute exactly nothing, but ya’ll fuckin’ rock)

Languages I Speak: English, Farsi, Dari, and some German

Favourite Film Of 2016: The Nice Guys

Last Article You Read: This article on how the Hanford Site is killing it’s workers.

Shuffle Your Library And Put The First Three Songs Here:

  1. ‘Thrash Unreal’ – Against Me!
  2. ‘Marche Funèbre’ – Soap&Skin
  3. ‘White Noiz’ – Akira Yamaoka

Last Thing You Bought Online: Goat skin faux shrunken heads from the Ye Olde Curiosity Shop.

Any Phobias Or Fears: Aquatic megafauna (real or mythological) and figures of authority.

How Would Your Friends Describe You: A cute, loyal, meme-loving fuck

How Would Your Enemies Describe You: A cute, loyal, meme-loving fuck

Who Would You Take A Bullet For: My pals, my family, my pets, my laptop, a particularly cool car, the list goes on.

If You Had Money To Spare, What You Would Buy First: Concert tickets. Whoever was playing nearby that I like.

Now Tag 10 People You Want To Get To Know Better: Everyone! 

Just kind of felt like listing random shit about myself, since this is my blog and I’m vain. Wanted to kind of get it out of my system, so there’s some pretty personal stuff here. I don’t mind sharing it (I am posting it after all) but please refrain from reblogging. Also, totally skip over this if you want to, please. Never feel obligated to read my crap!

~ I don’t drive; I always take the bus or my bicycle. I used to get a lot of shit for this, but waaay less here in WA than anywhere else I’ve lived.

~ My toenails are always painted, even though I never, ever wear open-toe shoes. They’re usually some shade of pink because I get a lot of it for really cheap at a local thrift store that sells gently used bottles of it.

~ It doesn’t show up in most of my pics, so most folks on here don’t know it, but I have really awful acne. It’s what I’m most self-concious of, and I wear cover-up most of the time to hide it.

~ I’ve considered doing porn on and off for a long time but I always come to the conclusion that I’m too ugly to justify making anyone pay for anything. Unless there is a niche kink for back acne that I’ve never heard of.

~ My dream job is to work with animals in some capacity, wild or domestic. I’ve done years of volunteer work in the field, and it’s been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. If not that, then working in a museum would be my second career choice.

~ I’ve lived in a lot of different places around the US but at this point I wouldn’t want to be anywhere besides the West Coast unless it’s just a visit.

So, when I was younger I had this habit of keeping random, little things. I don’t mean just stuff like toys, either, but like tiny bits of string or thread, scraps of paper, sometimes even trash or whatever. I’d have these weird things kind of jammed in the bottom of my toy box and every time I thought about throwing any of it out, I got really anxious and thought, ‘If I throw that out, it’ll be really bad!’ I have no idea what ‘bad’ would come of it, but I was just really, really sure of it.

This behaviour waned somewhat over time but I still find myself doing it to a degree. Every time I sew something and have left over thread, I can’t bring myself to throw out any of it, even if it’s way too short to ever be used for anything. Same with broken dishes, even if there is literally NO chance of gluing it back together. I have a small pile of broken plates in the garage.

Anyone else do this kind of thing?