Top 5 LEAST favorite movies

5. Anything by Michael Bay (I just do not like his directing style)

4. A Serbian Film (I’d hate it slightly less if the filmmaker would just admit it’s a fucking exploitation film and nothing more)

3. The Day After Tomorrow

2. Anything by Uwe Boll (his films aren’t even enjoyably bad to me)

1. Crash (2004, mostly because it makes looking for the 1996 film of the same title incredibly difficult)

2, 8, and 17.

2. I normally get mistaken for anywhere between 14 and 17. For some reason, no one ever thinks I’m an adult. I’m actually 19.

8. Salmon! I love it so much I could seriously pull a fish out of the water and eat it raw, like a bear would.

17. Oh this is way difficult! At the moment, it’s probably:

Taxidermia, Inglourious Basterds, Blue Velvet, Day of the Dead (1985), Pink Flamingos, Planet Terror, Antikörper, Full Metal Jacket, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Goodbye Lenin.