Freshly exhumed raccoon bones! I’m unsure what the little round hole in the skull is, though I suspect it’s the result of scavengers pecking through the skull. Additional note, the brown-red colour comes from the soil I buried it in, and unless I were to bleach it, it retains that hue even when cleaned!

[Edit]: Because folks have showed very understandable concern about it, I want to assure that I did not shoot this animal. I found it dead already (of what I still think is most likely a road collision given the location), buried it, and let nature take care of the rest until I dug it up. The location of the hole does raise suspicion of a firearm, particularly a pellet gun, but I’m still not sure of this. Again, such concern is completely understandable, and I like that people would care about such a thing and check in!

I wasn’t tagged for this meme, but I’m doing it anyway!

Using only pics on your computer, none pulled from the web, you’re supposed to sum up your aesthetic in 9 pictures. I don’t have a whole lot of pics on my computer, but I think I managed to capture my general aesthetic and all it’s terribleness.

I’m not gonna tag anyone, but I do invite my pals to do this as well because it’s really fun!


Freaky piece from a flea market. I assume is was a full mount, an Impala I believe. I think it was damaged and someone decided to turn it into ..this… when I first bought it, there was a bit of its nose left. It has since been taken off.
It originated in Paris by famous taxidermist, Emile Deyrolle. Made in the early 1900s hence why the skull was under the skin when it was still intact.