Stolen from Tagged by @squidlydes, thanks!

Countries I Have Lived In: USA

Favourite Fandom: Mad Max (I contribute exactly nothing, but ya’ll fuckin’ rock)

Languages I Speak: English, Farsi, Dari, and some German

Favourite Film Of 2016: The Nice Guys

Last Article You Read: This article on how the Hanford Site is killing it’s workers.

Shuffle Your Library And Put The First Three Songs Here:

  1. ‘Thrash Unreal’ – Against Me!
  2. ‘Marche Funèbre’ – Soap&Skin
  3. ‘White Noiz’ – Akira Yamaoka

Last Thing You Bought Online: Goat skin faux shrunken heads from the Ye Olde Curiosity Shop.

Any Phobias Or Fears: Aquatic megafauna (real or mythological) and figures of authority.

How Would Your Friends Describe You: A cute, loyal, meme-loving fuck

How Would Your Enemies Describe You: A cute, loyal, meme-loving fuck

Who Would You Take A Bullet For: My pals, my family, my pets, my laptop, a particularly cool car, the list goes on.

If You Had Money To Spare, What You Would Buy First: Concert tickets. Whoever was playing nearby that I like.

Now Tag 10 People You Want To Get To Know Better: Everyone! 

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