cool music asks


  1. best song to wake up to?
  2. best song to fall asleep to?
  3. what song describes your current mood?
  4. if you could be an embodiment of any band, which band would it be?
  5. its raining outside, what do you start playing?
  6. go to happy song?
  7. go to sad song?
  8. go to get lit af song?
  9. go to sex song?
  10. top 5 songs of all time?
  11. top 5 bands of all time?
  12. top 5 albums of all time?
  13. what album can you listen to straight through without skipping?
  14. favorite song in terms of lyrics?
  15. favorite song in terms of catchy-ness?
  16. if you could have two artists create a song together, which artists would you choose?
  17. which artist(s) do you want new music from?
  18. what song reminds you of your childhood?
  19. what’s your ‘guilty pleasure’ song?
  20. song with the best bass riff?
  21. song with the best chord progression?
  22. song with the best solo?
  23. song with the best vocals?
  24. what song holds personal significance to you?
  25. what song(s) were ruined by a breakup?
  26. what song(s) make you want to fall in love?
  27. your friend is driving you somewhere and makes you dj, what 5 songs do you put in queue?
  28. what song is your theme song?
  29. hottest band member/artist?
  30. what song would you want to die to?
  31. what song(s) make(s) you cry?
  32. top 5 concerts you’ve been to?
  33. top 5 concerts you’d want to see?
  34. does vinyl sound better?
  35. what song is the most relatable to you?
  36. what band do you dislike that everyone likes?
  37. favorite album cover art?
  38. what song do you have to play loud?
  39. which artist would you want to erase from your memory to discover again?
  40. how important is music to you?
  41. what instrument would you want to be able to play?
  42. describe your future life partner with a song
  43. create a mini-playlist for a midnight adventure
  44. you’re hosting a music festival, choose 10 headlining artists
  45. what would your artist name/persona/band name be?
  46. which artist has the best fans?
  47. which artist has the shittiest fans?
  48. you’re pissed off and need to punch a wall; what song is playing while you release your anger?
  49. All-time, #1, most favorite artist
  50. All-time, #1, most favorite song

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