
As I’m sure most of you know by now, I am obsessed with the vanitas genre. The last time I was in London and visited the Wellcome Collection, these beautiful memento mori miniatures caught my attention. And I decided to try my hand at these and offer them as commissions! My Patreon supporters got first dibs on these, but now I’m opening them to the wider public! So if, like my dear friend @lechatboheme up there, you would like to gaze into the face of your own mortality, here’s the deal:

– The portraits will be 5" by 7", done in ink and watercolor, and will cost $200 (payment upfront via Paypal).

– I am starting with 3 slots. If there is a lot of interest and all those slots get filled, I will start a waiting list.

– If you would like to commission one of these portraits, drop me a line to my e-mail (fyodorpavlov(at)me(dot)com) with the subject “Memento Mori Portrait.” First come first serve!

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